LaVache-FR / ViaMCP

Client-Side ViaVersion For "ModCoderPack"
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URLClassPath #1

Open BuddiesTV opened 3 years ago

BuddiesTV commented 3 years ago

My Eclipse cant find the import "import sun.misc.URLClassPath;" what i have to do?

JMLPDEV commented 3 years ago

u need to put rt.jar in ur libs

JMLPDEV commented 3 years ago

Nvm u need to install JDK 8

EnergixCoding commented 3 years ago

Yeah what is URLClassPath...

EnergixCoding commented 3 years ago

Try using OpenJDK j9 1.8.0_275

Then import sun.misc.URLClassPath

Z3R0-cmd commented 3 years ago

Or just change the eclipse setting/use intellij

Napoleon-x commented 3 years ago

You guys are overcomplicating a simple error, remove jre library from build path and then re-add it, easy fix, took me 2 minutes to figure out

BuddiesTV commented 3 years ago

Nothing worked