Laarryy / AdvancedEnchantments

Better Enchantments & Curses
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Plugin simply doesnt install #10

Closed atlasandafter-zz closed 5 years ago

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

When I put the .jar into my plugins folder and restart the server nothing happens, nothing new in the console, and the only thing that changes is a folder in the plugins folder that only contains a folder called "External" I've attached the folder it's created.

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

Are there any dependencies or steps that I am missing?

egg82 commented 5 years ago

Delete the "external" folder, re-download the plugin, and wait a bit for it to start up.

Make sure that your server has a constant, reliable connection to the internet. AE downloads libs and checks for library updates on startup.

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

I tried and the same thing happened. What do you mean by library updates?

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

It wasn't fixed and I've removed and reinstalled multiple times... what am I doing wrong. Would you like to see a server startup log?

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

Hey, I found an error. In the console it says this: [] Could not download file from URLs provided.

What does that mean?

egg82 commented 5 years ago

Means you don't have a valid, active internet connection from the server. One way or another the requests to download the library files are being blocked. DNS, firewall, other plugins..

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

Okay, thanks! Would you know any plugins or settings that may interfere by any chance?

egg82 commented 5 years ago

If another plugin does interfere, then let me know. Otherwise, none that I know of. Enjoy!

dmr612 commented 5 years ago

Juan did you manage to fix this? i have the same issue

max-bromberg commented 5 years ago

Startup issues were fixed in #12 on authors and so if it's truly something else ¯_(⊙ʖ⊙)

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to fix the issue. I believe that it’s because of the service that I use to host my server protecting their network.

I ran a server home-hosted and it worked well, so I though I could upload the files to the main server but that didn’t work and it tried to redownload them. Are there any files other than the plugin folder that need to be carried over or does it just check every time?

max-bromberg commented 5 years ago

In #12 egg said something about the plugin doing a check Everytime it starts but should be able to run without. Maybe it's related?

atlasandafter-zz commented 5 years ago

Egg is it possible to disable that or is that necessary?

egg82 commented 5 years ago

Looks like #10 #11 and #12 are loosely related due to the issues all coming from the same system.

AE downloads and inject dependencies it needs at startup. Additionally, it checks for dependency updates on startup. LuckPerms does this same thing, in fact.

I'll re-open and see if I can figure out an elegant way to handle dep version checking/updating on hosts that don't allow library downloads. In the meantime I'll see if I can talk to some hosts about how they handle this type of thing.

egg82 commented 5 years ago

The plugin will go to external .xml files to check for new versions of certain libraries, but if they can't be updated it won't try to download them. Either the xml file fetching is being blocked, or for whatever reason the plugin is trying to download/re-download some libraries.

If copying the "external" directory from the plugin's main folder doesn't work, then your host has some VERY strict policies and you should talk to them about that. I understand blocking external jar downloads, but blocking fetching of XML files is a little ridiculous in my opinion.