Lab-Lab-Lab / CPR-Music-Backend

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Build a reports/data dashboard #5

Open hcientist opened 3 weeks ago

hcientist commented 3 weeks ago

Make a django view accessible only to users with a new role or admin that gives some numbers and then has a huge table (with fancy interactions) and an export button

the really wide table witll have columns about like this

Student_id grade instrument teacher_id assignment_id title (of assignment) created_at updated_at student_audio (melody & bassline) student_response (connect) students_notation (create) tone rhythm expression Graded Piece Part Act category Act type

hcientist commented 4 days ago
  1. make the recording filename in the dashboard and csv export a link that requires backend login.
  2. ensure the grades/self grades are in the export
  3. what to do with composed score?
  4. maybe throw 3-5 random numbers into it (to sort on in export)
  5. judges should have a notes field