Lab41 / PySEAL

This repository is a fork of Microsoft Research's homomorphic encryption implementation, the Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (SEAL). This code wraps the SEAL build in a docker container and provides Python API's to the encryption library.
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Make Ciphertext and SEALContext serializable through Pickle #19

Closed nilslukas closed 6 years ago

nilslukas commented 6 years ago

Ciphertexts and SEALContext can now be serialized through Pickle in Python which adds important functionality like file serialization. For this, only the wrapper had to be modified slightly.

nilslukas commented 6 years ago

Update: I tried out using PySEAL with the multiprocessing library (with pools) and the Pickle serialization works correctly. Hence, executing computations on the ciphertext now works with multiple cores.

toddstavish commented 6 years ago

Great work! Thanks for sending our way.