LabVIEW-DCAF / StandardEngine

The Standard Execution Engine plugin for DCAF.
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SCAN Engine Error at startup #87

Open mxrmesulog opened 4 years ago

mxrmesulog commented 4 years ago

I need some help for my project to finalize it. You can find details here. Sorry to push this question here, but I'm looking for a solution.

I have developped a solution based on DCAF with a cRIO. Everything is working except that when I start the application (Debug or Executable), I can face a Scan Engine Error at start syaing that i missed scan period. If I clear the errors, stop the app and restart, it works. In executable, sometimes it works well, sometimes not.

When it's running well, the CPU is OK. I have a 9049 cRIO. On my hardware, I have an EtherCAT Device that returns only 6 channels. Almost all my IO are read by Scan Engine and a few are read through FPGA. So my cRIO is running in Hybrid Mode, and i already added the loading of the bitfile at start, even if it was working without that. I suspect a this is just an overload at start (maybe due to my third party EtherCAT device). If i can clear the error and start my app it's OK, I can survive with this error at start.

Do you now how I can slow down the start of each process ? or clear the error when everything is loarded and set Scan engine to Running and make DCAF running correctly.

Best regards.

Forum post is here