Laboratoire-de-Chemoinformatique / moodle-tiny_molstructure

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installing plugin on a moodle 4.4dev site breaks the editor when cachejs is on. #7

Closed danmarsden closed 3 months ago

danmarsden commented 3 months ago

I'm testing this on a 4.4dev site and when I install this plugin, the tiny editor completely breaks and doesn't load anymore.

I get a bunch of errors in the console like: require.min.js:5 Uncaught Error: Module name "canvas" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([]) at makeError (require.min.js:5:1067) at Object.o [as require] (require.min.js:5:11053) at requirejs (require.min.js:5:14737) at first.js:5149:80

If I turn cachejs off - then it loads fine.

I'd guess that grunt needs to be run to rebuild the js but could be something else.

cperves commented 3 months ago

try this with #8 new 404 branch :

cperves commented 3 months ago

But with other dev parameters remove I have some troubles seems to be due to $CFG->jsrev = -1; without this don't work same trouble with 401 version I'm going to find what's wrong with that

cperves commented 3 months ago

old files no more used sorry it was dirty

cperves commented 3 months ago

PS : need purging all caches

cperves commented 3 months ago

@danmarsden new 404_devel and MOODLE_404_STABLE branches