LaboratoireMecaniqueLille / crappy

Command and Real-time Acquisition Parallelized in Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
78 stars 16 forks source link

Release of version 2.0.0 of Crappy #81

Closed WeisLeDocto closed 9 months ago

WeisLeDocto commented 9 months ago

After almost an entire year of work, it is finally time to merge the 2.0.0 version back into the master branch ! Between versions 1.5.11 and 2.0.0, the entire project was totally refactored.

The general idea was to tidy up all the code, by commenting it, documenting it, and updating it to the current coding standards. Therefore, a great deal of attention was brought to the improvement of the documentation, and much effort was put into writing better tutorials.

The structure of the repository was greatly improved, switching from a flat to an src layout. Sub-folders were added where relevant, to clearly separate the objects with different functions. Also, the build-related files were updated to follow the recent developments of the Python packaging environment.

The most notable changes were brought to the Camera Block, that now performs the image acquisition, display, recording and processing in a parallelized fashion using multiple Processes. Implementing this feature required refactoring a number of files, from the camera-related Blocks to the CameraConfig window and the image-processing tools.

A more detailed description of all the changes brought can be found in the description of the associated release. Guidelines on how to upgrade your code from version 1.5.11 to version 2.0.0 can be found in an announcement post to come.

Special thanks to @PIERROOOTT for contributing to this release, mostly on the implementation and improvement of Camera objects.