Laboratoria / curriculum

El bootcamp de @Laboratoria es un programa de aprendizaje inmersivo de 6 meses enfocado en los perfiles de Web Developer y UX Designer.
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Bootcamp: Determine sprint 1 project details adpated to each campus/cohort #571

Closed lupomontero closed 6 years ago

lupomontero commented 6 years ago


Following up on @CaroLaboratoria message on Slack:

Lo primero a determinar sería la versión del reto a realizar en cada sede. Recordar que puede variar en profundidad o en temas a contener, dado que está planteado en la visión más ambiciosa posible. Esta conversación la idea es que la tengan con sus TM (y obviamente con el resto de la sede que quiera opinar). Como todos ustedes ya desarrollaron el proyecto, ya saben lo que contiene lo que es un avance gigante!

As we discussed via the Developers Chapter, the proposed mechanics for customising "projects" for each campus/cohort is something like this:

  1. We start from a shared version of each "project". This is proposed in collaboration between @rocioalberdi, @lalogf and @lupomontero. This shared version should include a generic enough rubric that we should be able to apply to all variations of the projects.
  2. We solve the proposed "project" in the developers chapter in order to get informed feedback having had to work on the project for real and complete it.
  3. We adapt "project" description and boilerplate based on feedback (issues, pull requests, ...).
  4. Each local team makes a copy of the shared "project" description and boilerplate, customises it and pushes it to repo specifically created for the relevant cohort (with read permissions granted to students in that particular cohort).
  5. Each local team reports back (bugs, fixes, suggestions, ...), curricula maintainers lead discussions on feedback, and shared version is updated with agreed changes.

So far, this only affects the "project". However, each project deliverable is always accompanied by the relevant topics (learning resources) and expected performance against the standard rubric. As well as the process of publishing the content in the LMS, managing the agenda and reviewing project submissions.

Topics (content)

On the other hand, the proposed project touches no a number of topics, and has a set of stated learning objetives: values, variables, operators, types, arrays, objects, flow-control, functions and testing. The idea is that each of these keyword will link to the relevant topic (be it a course, unit, read, exercise, ...).

In order to achieve this, we have been re imagining the topics index and turning it into a sort of library of topics. The effort here is mainly about re-organinsing existing content into a different structure, this involves moving stuff around, leaving some stuff out - very very few things, merging quite a bit of content from different sources (courses), and adding a few bits and pieces to fill up some gaps. @merunga and I are leading this effort. Last night the repo went through a massive house keeping operation in order to accommodate these changes, along with the ongoing portuguese translation.

Expect changes over the weekend as the remaining content is processed and reorganised into the new projects and topics directories.


All of this is happening in parallel to the development of our new unified rubric. In the future, rubric specific aspects of both the "project" and "topics" would be included in the description of the "project". However, in this first iteration we will have to keep an eye on this and make sure we converge by the time we get to the pre-release.

Flight crew

In order to tackle the nuts and bolts of this process, each campus will set up a team with this specific responsibility. As far as I understand, these are the teams so far:

TM @alejandrarv @valesmithb @LucileBaratier
JS @RuthSalvador @Danielalab @brecabal @nerdale @indie-rok @Jonhks
UX @Gabx04 @bosqueinvierno n/a
SS @beatrizcf Daniela Gaitán Paulina Treviño


Next steps

Please feel free to reply with any ideas, questions, suggestions, ... and let's start creating and assigning more specific and actionable issues.

Time to rock and roll!! 🎸🚀👩‍🎤

cc/ @diegovelezg @CaroLaboratoria @chamodev

PS: I'm writing this issue in english taking into consideration that we are starting to collaborate with non-spanish speakers. However, feel free to reply in Spanish or ask for clarification/translation. We are a growing community and we still need to learn how best to handle this issue.

CaroLaboratoria commented 6 years ago

Thank you @lupomontero . We decided as a team that for this Sprint, SCL and LIM are working on the UX part of the content. For the next one, CDMX is in charge.

rocioalberdi commented 6 years ago

Regarding soft skills, those in charge are the personal development coordinator from each training center, so they are always the same. For LIM Beatriz Castiglia, for CDM is Paulina Treviño and for SCL is Daniela Gaitan. Thanks @lupomontero

lupomontero commented 6 years ago

Gracias @CaroLaboratoria y @rocioalberdi por los comentarios. Acabo de actualizar los detalles del cuadro de Flight crew.

lupomontero commented 6 years ago

Tópicos para sprint 1

Un update con la lista de tópicos identificados para el primer sprint del Bootcamp.

En esta lista propongo una serie de responsables para que nos dividamos el trabajo de revisar cada uno de los temas. Verán que se trata de reorganizar y revisar contenido existente en una nueva estructura.

Level 0

Esto son contenidos refactorizados de selección, que deberían igual estar disponibles como parte del catálogo de contenido:

Level 1

Estos son contenidos/tópicos que se introducen por primera vez (después de selección):

Les parece ok, la división de tópicos para comenzar?

Conversemos en Slack y/o Hangouts para ver el detalle de cada tópico juntxs.

lupomontero commented 6 years ago

Confirmo que ya se ha hecho push de los detalles de evaluación (incluyendo link a rúbrica) en la descripción del proyecto:

Porfa actualicen sus versiones de los retos con estos cambios. Cualquier duda no duden en responder por acá.

lupomontero commented 6 years ago

Hoy queda publicado finalmente todo el contenido (tópicos) para este primer proyecto! Todavía pueden venir algunas correcciones y modificaciones menores, pero lo importante para este proyecto está completo, ordenado y publicado en el LMS (para todos los nuevos cohorts de Bootcamp en LIM, SCL y CDMX).

Con respecto al proyecto para cada sede/cohort, asumo que esto ya está solucionado/completado por cada equipo local. Cualquier duda con respecto a esto pueden responder por acá o Slack.