Labs64 / NetLicensingClient-java

Java wrapper for Labs64 NetLicensing RESTful API
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 7 forks source link

Outdated dependencies found #2

Closed r-brown closed 5 years ago

r-brown commented 7 years ago

Some of the dependencies outdated and need to be revisited, whether update is possible.

r-brown commented 7 years ago

Please consider backward compatibility.

r-brown commented 6 years ago

Status as of 24.10.2017

organisation rbrown_orga 2017-10-24 06-29-48 organisation rbrown_orga 2017-10-24 06-30-08
r-brown commented 6 years ago

@kkorotkov shall we consider jersey upgrade to 2.26 for the next release?

kkorotkov commented 6 years ago

@r-brown Agree, makes sense.

r-brown commented 6 years ago

Compilation Error

[ERROR] /home/travis/build/Labs64/NetLicensingClient-java/NetLicensingClient/src/main/java/com/[secure]/netlicensing/provider/[30,35] package org.glassfish.jersey.filter does not exist
[ERROR] /home/travis/build/Labs64/NetLicensingClient-java/NetLicensingClient/src/main/java/com/[secure]/netlicensing/provider/[121,45] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   class LoggingFilter
  location: class com.[secure].netlicensing.provider.RestProviderJersey
yushkevich commented 6 years ago

@r-brown Compilation Success from Disable Java 1.7 support

r-brown commented 6 years ago

As of 2018-01-09 there are 5 outdated dependencies.


Update is possible after NetLicensing 2.3.9 release only.

r-brown commented 5 years ago

As of 2018-11-21 there are following outdated dependencies found:

$ mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

[INFO]   org.apache.commons:commons-collections4 ................... 4.1 -> 4.2
[INFO]   org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 ........................ 3.6 -> 3.8.1
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-client ................. 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2 .................. 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO] ............ 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework:jersey-test-framework-core ...
[INFO]                                                             2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework.providers:jersey-test-framework-provider-grizzly2 ...
[INFO]                                                             2.26 -> 2.27
r-brown commented 5 years ago

$ mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

[INFO]   org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin ............... 3.3.0 -> 4.0.0
[INFO]   maven-compiler-plugin ...................... 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0-jboss-1
[INFO]   maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
[INFO]   maven-enforcer-plugin ........................... 1.4.1 -> 3.0.0-M2
[INFO]   maven-jar-plugin ................................... 3.0.2 -> 3.1.0
[INFO]   maven-javadoc-plugin .............................. 2.10.4 -> 3.0.1
[INFO]   maven-resources-plugin ............................. 3.0.2 -> 3.1.0
[INFO]   maven-shade-plugin ................................. 3.1.0 -> 3.2.1
[INFO]   org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin ........ 0.13.2 -> 0.14.0
yushkevich commented 5 years ago

$ mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

[INFO]   org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 ........................ 3.6 -> 3.8.1
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-client ................. 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2 .................. 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO] ............ 2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework:jersey-test-framework-core ...
[INFO]                                                             2.26 -> 2.27
[INFO]   org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework.providers:jersey-test-framework-provider-grizzly2 ...
[INFO]                                                             2.26 -> 2.27```
yushkevich commented 5 years ago

$ mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

[INFO]   maven-compiler-plugin ...................... 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0-jboss-2
[INFO]   maven-dependency-plugin ............................ 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
[INFO]   maven-enforcer-plugin ........................... 1.4.1 -> 3.0.0-M2
[INFO]   maven-jar-plugin ................................... 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
[INFO]   maven-javadoc-plugin .............................. 2.10.4 -> 3.0.1
[INFO]   maven-resources-plugin ............................. 3.0.2 -> 3.1.0
[INFO]   maven-shade-plugin ................................. 3.1.0 -> 3.2.1
[INFO]   org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin ........ 0.13.2 -> 0.14.0```
yushkevich commented 5 years ago

$ mvn versions:display-dependency-updates (only beta versions)

[INFO]   org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j ....................... 1.7.25 -> 1.8.0-beta2
[INFO]   org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j ......................... 1.7.25 -> 1.8.0-beta2
[INFO]   org.slf4j:slf4j-api ............................ 1.7.25 -> 1.8.0-beta2
[INFO]   org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12 ........................ 1.7.25 -> 1.8.0-beta2

$ mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

[INFO] No plugins require a newer version of Maven than specified by the pom.