LacledesLAN / gamesvr-csgo-tourney

LL CSGO Tournament Server in Docker
The Unlicense
8 stars 2 forks source link

Team names butchered #22

Open JustinBenedick opened 1 year ago

JustinBenedick commented 1 year ago

From fall 22 tournament. After running in snippet gen the names bet butchered on the server.

"Dirty Donkeys" became "dirty" "Miller Bros" became "T"

Possible issue with spaces in the team name and missing space.

docker run -d --name CSGOTournc2_Sa11h36m52s --network=llnet --ip lacledeslan/gamesvr-csgo-tourney:get5 /bin/bash -c './get5-cli -1 Dirty Donkeys -2 T NAMEMiller Bros -v hostname:c2_Dirty Donkeys_v_T NAMEMiller Bros -m de_ancient -m de_dust2 -m de_inferno -m de_mirage -m de_nuke -m de_overpass -m de_vertigo && ./srcds_run -game csgo +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -tickrate 128 -console +map de_orange +sv_password "trumpets5" +sv_lan 1 +rcon_password "tacotime247" +tv_name zLLTV_CSGOBRACKET"c2" +tv_password "CoyotesTakeWaterfalls" +tv_relaypassword "CoyotesTakeWaterfalls" -usercon'

JustinBenedick commented 1 year ago
