Open Despuesin opened 1 week ago
Happens here too. In my case it's occurs after I play an Epic game that does not have any achievements.
4-11 09:43:09.441|INFO |SuccessStory#SuccessStoryDatabase:RefreshNoLoader(Outer Wilds - 91c7f68f-cc05-43d0-8b66-93495c752b1c)
24-11 09:43:09.441|INFO |SuccessStory#SuccessStoryDatabase:Used SuccessStory.Clients.EpicAchievements for Outer Wilds - Epic/Epic/PC (Windows)
24-11 09:43:11.918|INFO |PlayNext#HowLongToBeatExtension:2541 games with HowLongToBeat data found
24-11 09:43:11.918|DEBUG|PlayNext#GameActivityExtension:Games with playtime: 7
24-11 09:43:11.946|ERROR|SuccessStory#Common:Error on MoveNext()|C:\Projects\C#\Lacro59\playnite-successstory-plugin\source\playnite-plugincommon\CommonPluginsStores\Epic\EpicApi.cs|910
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CommonPluginsStores.Epic.EpicApi.<QueryPlayerAchievement>d__58.MoveNext() in C:\Projects\C#\Lacro59\playnite-successstory-plugin\source\playnite-plugincommon\CommonPluginsStores\Epic\EpicApi.cs:line 910
24-11 09:43:11.970|WARN |SuccessStory#SuccessStoryDatabase:No achievements found for Outer Wilds
Experiencing that issue too, I checked the GOG account sync as the notif was about the GOG and I noticed it is duped the same from Epic
Having the same error, in my case when checking the achievements of a Steam game when the completion record didn't update on the theme view.
The bug in question occurs when I try to download the plugin data through the option in extensions; the data download goes relatively normally until it finishes, it doesn't download or do anything and the error pops up.
These are the log files:
extensions.log playnite.log