The gripper is connected to Universal Robots arm (UR5) using the GRIPKIT by Weiss Robotics.
I can control the gripper with the UR teach panel, but I need to control it with ROS.
I have found several ROS packages for the Weiss WSG-50 gripper, but they only seem to work for a gripper connected directly to a computer (via TCP or CAN protocol).
Only the e-Series has the embedded RS485 port on the flange. So no, the regular (ie: non-e-Series) cannot make use of the tool communication functionality.
No ROS control for GRIPKIT:
The gripper is connected to Universal Robots arm (UR5) using the GRIPKIT by Weiss Robotics. I can control the gripper with the UR teach panel, but I need to control it with ROS. I have found several ROS packages for the Weiss WSG-50 gripper, but they only seem to work for a gripper connected directly to a computer (via TCP or CAN protocol).
No tool control using UR ROS Driver:
Only the e-Series has the embedded RS485 port on the flange. So no, the regular (ie: non-e-Series) cannot make use of the tool communication functionality.