An adapter in the current context of Ladder99 is nothing more than a component with a source, a sink, and transformational logic revolving around a cache instance driven by input.yaml and output.yaml.
Current Relay specialization:
querying MTConnect Agent endpoint (HTTP XML)
writing to a database (SQL).
Current Relay responsibilities:
database migration/upgrade
transform MTConnect XML representation to sql
transferring MTConnect structure to db
writing DataItems to db
Future Relay specialization as a MTConnect adapter:
querying MTConnect Agent endpoint (HTTP XML)
Future Relay responsibilities as a MTConnect adapter:
An adapter in the current context of Ladder99 is nothing more than a component with a source, a sink, and transformational logic revolving around a cache instance driven by input.yaml and output.yaml.
Current Relay specialization:
Current Relay responsibilities:
Future Relay specialization as a MTConnect adapter:
Future Relay responsibilities as a MTConnect adapter: