LadyElyssa / LadyElyssaTacoTrails

A comprehensive collection of TacO Markers and Trails by Lady Elyssa suitable for use with GW2 TacO and Blish HUD.
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Suggestion on yellow heart completion trails #21

Closed bluenote73 closed 4 months ago

bluenote73 commented 5 months ago

I dunno if this is worth going back to change, but FWIW I think heart completion trails should always start within the heart boundary. My reasoning is that if you come across a yellow trail, but have no heart status indicator, the assumption is this is a trail continuing progress for the previous (completed) heart passed, and shouldn't be followed. Here's an example in Snowden Drifts Dragon Rising area. If it would be helpful I can use this issue to detail them as I go but I understand if this seems too nitpicky. The comically high interface size is a leanback thing :)


LadyElyssa commented 5 months ago

Thank you for stopping by with more great suggestions and I am aware that some hearts could do with some refining or at the very least some additional notes as there are a few like that one in Snowden Drifts whose completion progress is impacted by events as well as the influence of other players activity.

If there are any that you come across in the meantime that are particularly irksome then I'll be only too happy to find a remedy for them as I had tried to keep the heart trails focused on doing just enough to complete the hearts with minimal fluff and I do still have core map completion trails to seperate and breakdown, which will of course take some time to do and wil provide me with the perfect opportunity to look more closely at details like this.

bluenote73 commented 5 months ago

It's not so much heart progress I'm getting at, it's whether the trail is blue or yellow and where it begins to branch off. I'm getting more familiar so this last completion I did I noticed these things happening or sometimes caught them rather than finding myself missing stuff and looking back bewildered to see how I went wrong :) In the example above what i'm suggesting is that the blue line should at least enter the mini map orange heart boundary area (so the player gets the DING DING Heart available notification..) and then there should be the yellow optional line to follow for progress.

Otherwise the way it stands now I think the player is probably fooled into thinking they have no need of following the coming yellow trail in this example, probably thinking it leads to more progress for the previous heart that we've just exited the orange boundary for. Which if that previous heart was completed, has already disappeared meaning there's no clues for the player to know what's going on. I hope I'm communicating this better :)

LadyElyssa commented 5 months ago

Ahh, yes, I am with you now and that makes perfect sense. Thank you.

LadyElyssa commented 4 months ago

All Core Map Completion routes have been broken down in to Segments along with some routing improvements for the main trail and some hearts.

bluenote73 commented 4 months ago

Looking good, thank you :) image