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Background image clipping issue on #251

Open diath opened 3 weeks ago

diath commented 3 weeks ago has a poll widget that uses background CSS property with images to display progress bars on the option results which appear to be randomly cut off.

Firefox: image

Ladybird (notice the right side of the images being cut off for Amazon, Barb, Paladin, Assassin and Druid entries): image

hansejo commented 2 weeks ago

This doesn't seem to still be a problem running on commit a4eb46f. @diath can you check again? image

diath commented 2 weeks ago

I can still reproduce it on the newest master however it seems like it depends on the viewport size (perhaps some rounding error?).

xdotool windowsize 125829128 1231 820 (Paladin gets cut off):


xdotool windowsize 125829128 1230 820 (Paladin is fine):


xdotool windowsize 125829128 1333 820 (Sorceress gets cut off):


And so on.