LadybirdBrowser / ladybird

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Feature request: Built-in RSS support #370

Open markcellus opened 2 months ago

markcellus commented 2 months ago

Hey, engineer from, here! :wave:

We love this initiative and the thought of an entirely independent web browser is just what our web needs! Another thing our web needs is more intuitive RSS adoption. Web browsers used to have an RSS button where users could easily subscribe to an RSS feed after having visited a website. But many removed them, which is a shame. It's unfortunate because we have thousands of users who would love to see free, all-inclusive RSS functionality baked into their browser. The feature would also be helpful for users who have never tried RSS due to the technical know-how required to begin to use them.

Are there any plans for RSS to be built into Ladybird?

sjehuda commented 1 month ago

Web browsers used to have an RSS button where users could easily subscribe to an RSS feed.

They have all conspired together, in favour of the advertising and spy industries, to eliminate support for this essential feature, which has resorted me to find a solution which eventually has caused to my career to chage from a lawyer to an engineer, and without that conspiracy, over 10 projects I am responsible for, namely of Syndication and XMPP, would not have existed.

See also XSLT support, and this userscript which renders Atom, RDF, RSS, JSON and OPML with JS.

See also this stylesheet which renders Atom, RDF and RSS syndication feeds.

It works with WebKit browsers and the corporates behind Gecko have again sabotaged the native built-in XSLT of Gecko (including the JS based processor) when a standard option omit-xml-decleration is present.

Please also consider Syndications of type XMPP. See also Reeder and Rivista which both support XMPP Syndications.