Ladysnake / Dissolution-Legacy

1.12 version of Requiem
3 stars 2 forks source link

[1.12.2] Suggestions: Materialize when near death location & Revival Block #12

Open sor1n opened 4 years ago

sor1n commented 4 years ago

Just like how in World of Warcraft if you go near to where you died you can respawn, it would be cool if this were implemented, with a config option to determine the range to death location where you can respawn.

This would make it a nice addition for servers where you might want to have control over mods and not have players posses other mobs and simply use this mod as a neat respawning method that allows you to get to your corpse safely.

A second suggestion would be to have, like in WoW, a block you could right click to become human again, rather than go to your corpse. Although this isn't such a much needed feature, since you could create this using CraftTweaker, it could be a nice addition for the base mod.