Ladysnake / Effective

A Minecraft Quilt client-side mod adding ambient and environmental interaction effects to enhance immersion.
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Illuminations/Effective overhead pets being removed ? #219

Closed deadtoxaris closed 10 months ago

deadtoxaris commented 10 months ago

not mainly as "issue" but do overhead pets come with effective ? cuz when i go to dashboard i cant find the one i was using and also many others.. did you remove it on purpose or ? i paid for rank 2 i think and was using Founding Skull

Xiribidus commented 10 months ago

Added Illuminations cosmetics (though they may get removed or reworked in the future)

Reworked the Will o' Wisp pet cosmetic to allow players to choose two custom colors to personalize their Will o' Wisp
As a result, Golden Will and Founding Skull cosmetics were removed as they can be replicated with custom colors

^is what the changelog says, if anything else is missing please tell us

deadtoxaris commented 10 months ago

is there a way to bring them back, thru mod assets and changing some textures ? probably will try to do it anyway, cuz idk what changing color does, i put different colors and it kind of changed the pet but not the color.. meh amma see what i can do with that, but thanks for response tho