Ladysnake / Effective

A Minecraft Quilt client-side mod adding ambient and environmental interaction effects to enhance immersion.
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Lot's of bugs in 1.20.1 version #232

Open ViTulyankin opened 5 months ago

ViTulyankin commented 5 months ago

Sorry for posting an issue report without any description, I just accidentally pressed spacebar XD

Anyway, this is a list of found bugs:

Pyrofab commented 5 months ago

Fixed the first one, not familiar enough with cascade sound code to fix the second one, rest may have to wait for a Lodestone update

CarlMichaelFabe commented 5 months ago

Tried 736433b and now the splashes are spawning downwards underwater.

szunakabeats commented 4 months ago

yea the cascade sounds are bugged. they are very quiet and for some reason come from the wrong direction. maybe it's not compatible with the ambientsounds mod ?

cph101 commented 3 months ago

Yeah, lodestone isn’t compatible with iris shaders (It modifies core particle shaders and Iris being the dumbass it is just completely overrides them). It would be nice to find a fix to the splash particles ASAP. It may be possible to just rotate it 180 degrees across either the x or the z axis, just putting that out there if anyone can try before I get round to it.