Ladysnake / Effective

A Minecraft Quilt client-side mod adding ambient and environmental interaction effects to enhance immersion.
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1.19.2 version is incompatible with latest QFAPI. #250

Closed sisby-folk closed 2 months ago

sisby-folk commented 2 months ago

QFAPI updated to include fapi 0.77 in march in 4.0.0-beta.30+0.77.0-1.19.2.

Effective crashes on it, like so:

UpcraftLP commented 2 months ago

Known issue, sadly the current best solution is to downgrade QFAPI.

sisby-folk commented 2 months ago

latest create requires 77, so we've removed effective instead in our case - cheers for the clarification though!

UpcraftLP commented 2 months ago

If it doesnt absolutely need that version you could also try dependency overrides to make create accept an older version of fabric api

sisby-folk commented 2 months ago

preferring to stay on the side of packwiz modpack stability - if we're on 77, the pack is less likely to break at random from a mod bumping their dep later.

unilock commented 2 months ago

Effective JiJ's an outdated version of Satin API; the latest version for 1.19.2 (v1.9.1) fixes running alongside Fabric API v0.77.0. It's possible to just install that version of Satin API manually, alongside Effective, to have Quilt Loader favor the newer version over the JiJ'd one.

UpcraftLP commented 2 months ago

Effective JiJ's an outdated version of Satin API; the latest version for 1.19.2 (v1.9.1) fixes running alongside Fabric API v0.77.0. It's possible to just install that version of Satin API manually, alongside Effective, to have Quilt Loader favor the newer version over the JiJ'd one.

does it now, huh? It used to cause the opposite, that's why it is marked as alpha.

UpcraftLP commented 2 months ago

So after doing a few more tests on this:

So I dont know how exactly you got it to work with latest @unilock?

unilock commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry, I just tested QFAPI 0.77.0 + Effective 2.1.1 + Satin 1.9.1 and can confirm, it does not work. I'm not sure why I thought otherwise...

I guess Lodestone also has to be updated for the changes in Fabric API 0.77.0?