Ladysnake / Effective

A Minecraft Quilt client-side mod adding ambient and environmental interaction effects to enhance immersion.
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Fix the Ender Dragon spamming screen shakes #252

Open EnnuiL opened 2 months ago

EnnuiL commented 2 months ago

The problem with ender dragon's screen shakes is that uh, while Vanilla spamming sounds ends only being a bit annoying, Effective spamming screen shakes can make someone a bit sick! especially since it pretty much makes the config option pretty much useless by only relying on LodestoneLib's cap!

This makes the ender dragon roar only happen once, while it attempts to make that single roar count; as a side-effect, however, it isn't as exaggerated as the other roars, but since it's now relatively normal? the ender dragon roar can now be tuned with the same config option as everybody else with nothing feeling off at all; I encourage testing this new roar for the feeling though, because it is something I wanna nail too

Pyrofab commented 2 months ago

Also could you update the gradle wrapper while you are at it ?

EnnuiL commented 2 months ago

Haven't tested this in-game yet, but maybe we could have a roarFrequency config option for people who want to restore the super dramatic behaviour ?

What I'd actually try is an enderDragonScreenShakeIntensity config option? since yeah, maybe a 1.2 intensity roar-once could work as well, but yeah, testing might be needed