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[Feature] Add a few more pride flags #76

Open solonovamax opened 3 years ago

solonovamax commented 3 years ago

In #73, there was the addition of the

flags as 'pets'. But there are quite a few common identities in addition to those that are in the LGBTQ+.

Here's a few that would be nice to see:

I was also possibly going to add the neopronoun flag, but there doesn't seem to be much consensus on it, and not many people seem to use it.

Note: I'm also biased towards wanting some of these to be included because I personally identify as them. So I just put a little * beside the ones I identify as, just so everything is transparent here. If some should be removed (or even added!), that's fine. (Also, I'm friends with people who identify as all of those except agender. So again, blah blah bias blah. You get it)

Those are all the ones I can think of, but I may add on a few more later.

solonovamax commented 3 years ago

Also, slightly related, but still kind of not: imo, files like lesbian_pride.png should be renamed to pride_lesbian.png, lesbian_pride_pet.json to pride_pet_lesbian.json, etc. It might seem like a minor change, but it means that when the files are sorted alphabetically, all the pride flags will be beside eachother.

solonovamax commented 3 years ago

Might just make a pr for this rn, since I'm bored and have nothing else to do lol