Laerdal / Xamarin.AzureCommunicationCalling

Xamarin iOS and Android binding libraries for Microsofts Azure Communication Services
MIT License
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unable to start device to device voip call #4

Closed nielscup closed 3 years ago

nielscup commented 3 years ago

I have the sample working: I can make an echo call to acs. But how do I make a voip/video call like in the doc picture?

tompi commented 3 years ago

@nielscup Did you try joining the same group from two devices? (click join group instead of call echo)

nielscup commented 3 years ago

Yes, that works, I currently only dont see the other users video. But voice works.

But I was actually trying to start a call via a userId, same as you start echo call but than with the other devices userId. I have set up notifications etc, so I would expect to at least receive a notification when I start a call on the other device. I have tested this with a Twilio backend, which works and I would like to get the same experience. Also using callkit etc. Have you done any tests with that? I am currently following along the swift example here:

tompi commented 3 years ago

@nielscup Sorry, I just needed group call functionality for my POC... But missing video seems like a bug. Are you running on ios or android, and which devices? For direct calling/notifications you probably need to do some coding yourself, but the binding libs expose all of the APIs so it should be possible.

nielscup commented 3 years ago

Running on an iPhone 5s and iPad. Ok, I will continue coding for notifications etc. Using your bindings saves a lot of time anyway. Thanks for that! ps. I might have broken the video myself in the process, I will look in to it.

nielscup commented 3 years ago

Video does not work in landscape. Rotate to portrait and video works.