Laex / Delphi-OpenCV

Project Delphi-OpenCV. Translation of OpenCV library header files in Delphi
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Using distanceTransform ? distTransform ? #52

Closed C-Albert closed 8 years ago

C-Albert commented 8 years ago


I want to use the DistanceTransform function, but i don't find it. I find cvDistanceTransform in _ocv.imgprocc, but it's in comment in the interface section... I've tried to write it (see below), but i can't use it, i have a "external exception" when i call it.

procedure cvDistTransform(const src: pIplImage; dst: pIplImage; distance_type: Integer = CV_DIST_L2;
                          mask_size: Integer = 3; const mask: pSingle = nil; labels: pIplImage = nil; labelType: Integer = CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP); cdecl;


procedure cvDistTransform(const src: pCvArr; dst: pCvArr; distance_type: Integer = CV_DIST_L2; 
                          mask_size: Integer = 3; const mask: pSingle = nil; labels: pCvArr = nil; labelType: Integer = CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP); cdecl;

Am I wrong somewhere ? Is there a problem with this function ?

Thank you

Laex commented 8 years ago
