LaggAt / hacs-govee

A HACS repository for Govee light integration
MIT License
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Please update Dacite #159

Open poiromaniax opened 4 months ago

poiromaniax commented 4 months ago

This integrations version of dacite interferes with setting up the core and HACS Roborock addon.

Please update it

azimmerm commented 4 months ago

Having the same issue here

Shaved-Ape commented 4 months ago

Also having the same issues I have disabled this integration because of this bit frustrating as it means I have to leave the lights on all the time

marcolivierarsenault commented 4 months ago

I think I found a workaround, go download the main/master version of the integration.

Here is an example for another repo.

poiromaniax commented 4 months ago

My workaround was to totally remove the HACS govee integration, restart HA. Setup Roborock and then reinstall this integration. Seems to work for now

EDIT - but this breaks Roborock again every time I reboot HA

cbp0616 commented 3 months ago

Dacite needs to be updated. This integration is actively interfering with others because of this. Going to disable and shelve it.

poiromaniax commented 3 months ago

@LaggAt are you able to update dacite please?

Or is there someone here with knowledge that can fork and maintain this repo?

Shaved-Ape commented 3 months ago

All the fixes posted on this still didnt work for me I found myself having to disable it then restart so in my case my roborock could load and then re-enable the govee. Gets a little tiresome after a while so I installed spook custom integration that allows me to create an automation to disable govee before a restart and then re-enable it once HA is running again. Not perfect but as I say simply editing files to update the dacite number etc didnt work for me and the only other option is permanently disabling the govee addon

poiromaniax commented 3 months ago

@IneedAnewNick can you post the automation yaml that uses spook to do that? I'd be interested in using that

Shaved-Ape commented 3 months ago

@IneedAnewNick can you post the automation yaml that uses spook to do that? I'd be interested in using that `- id: '1710604253742' alias: Disable govee description: '' trigger:

  • platform: homeassistant event: shutdown condition: [] action:
  • service: homeassistant.disable_config_entry metadata: {} data: config_entry_id: b2d386740f2be9da5505da8b1dfd1f5e mode: single
  • id: '1710604584171' alias: Enable Govee after restart description: '' trigger:
  • platform: homeassistant event: start condition: [] action:
  • delay: hours: 0 minutes: 2 seconds: 0 milliseconds: 0
  • service: homeassistant.enable_config_entry metadata: {} data: config_entry_id: b2d386740f2be9da5505da8b1dfd1f5e mode: single`

No idea if there is a better way and dont really care as it works, fairly sure it shows the name of the addon when first setting up the automation

poiromaniax commented 3 months ago

@IneedAnewNick can you post the automation yaml that uses spook to do that? I'd be interested in using that `- id: '1710604253742' alias: Disable govee description: '' trigger:

  • platform: homeassistant event: shutdown condition: [] action:
  • service: homeassistant.disable_config_entry metadata: {} data: config_entry_id: b2d386740f2be9da5505da8b1dfd1f5e mode: single
  • id: '1710604584171' alias: Enable Govee after restart description: '' trigger:

    • platform: homeassistant event: start condition: [] action:
    • delay: hours: 0 minutes: 2 seconds: 0 milliseconds: 0
    • service: homeassistant.enable_config_entry metadata: {} data: config_entry_id: b2d386740f2be9da5505da8b1dfd1f5e mode: single`

No idea if there is a better way and dont really care as it works :)


DataBitz commented 3 months ago

I could not use the HA core Roborock integration for months and finally found Govee was the cause. Had to switch to the govee2mqtt addon and remove this addon because of it.

ruudvanstrijp commented 1 month ago

I see this govee integration hasn't been updated for half a year now. I'm having the same issue, causing my Roborock integration to fail. Should we just migrate to govee2mqtt instead or will this hacs-govee integration be updated?

poiromaniax commented 1 month ago

@ruudvanstrijp I migrated to govee2mqtt. Setup was simple, works fantastic - I would definitely recommend it

ruudvanstrijp commented 1 month ago

@ruudvanstrijp I migrated to govee2mqtt. Setup was simple, works fantastic - I would definitely recommend it

Thanks, you were completely right. Was super easy to migrate, and govee2mqtt can even control the Govee devices better. Instead of just on-off it can select all scenes properly as well! And Roborock works again. Thanks for the advice!