LagoLunatic / dsvrandom

Randomizer for DS Castlevania games
MIT License
76 stars 8 forks source link

Was playing the randomizer for dawn of sorrow and i think i got softlocked #164

Closed SomeRandomDude67 closed 2 years ago

SomeRandomDude67 commented 2 years ago

SoftlockedSadge DoS DeadSkeletalMalacoda - Spoiler Log.txt

The only areas I can go to are:

Garden of Madness Subterranean Hell Cursed Clock Tower Demon Guest House The Pinnacle Silenced Ruins Lost Village

LagoLunatic commented 2 years ago

The room you marked as "skeleton ape required" can also be passed through with bone ark instead of skeleton ape. Bone ark is in one of the rooms you already passed through so you should have it.

SomeRandomDude67 commented 2 years ago

huh, guess you learn new things everyday after all