Laharah / deluge-FileBotTool

A plugin to integrate simple FileBot functionality into Deluge
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Filebot not found #32

Open fexigo opened 7 years ago

fexigo commented 7 years ago


I got an windows 7 computer with the latest version of Deluge, Java, Filebot and FilebotTool plugin for Deluge. But I still get the message "Filebot not found". Filebot -version is working, and I can start Filebot.

What am I doing wrong??

Laharah commented 7 years ago

No problem, this usually boils down to one of a few things on windows:

rednoah commented 7 years ago

It's best to just assume that the filebot command is in the %PATH% because the installation folder may not always be the same for everyone, especially not if deployed via the Windows Store.

Laharah commented 7 years ago

@rednoah, Yeah my module starts with checking the path, but it dosen't always work, particularly when permissions and strange path modifications for deluge users come in. I'm on the lookout for more places to check.

fexigo commented 7 years ago

Hi. I have tried to restart and reinstall both Deluge and Filebot.

Filebot is installed at C:\Program Files\FileBot\Filebot.exe

C:\Users\Fexigo>filebot -version FileBot 4.7.9 (r4984) / Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_131 / Windows 7 6. 1 (amd64)

Same permission for both programs.

Laharah commented 7 years ago

okay, just to make sure it's not the permissions, when you start deluge, can you right click it and hit run as administrator? If filebot still doesn't show up it'll have to be something else.

rednoah commented 7 years ago

@Laharah It's kinda tricky on Windows. I'd call commands with cmd.exe /c command ... to make sure it works as expected.

Actually, many users somehow end up with fucked up %PATH% variables (some installers do that) so it does make sense to check known locations as well.

If FileBot is managed by the Windows Store, then the executable will be here:

ChonkaLoo commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue but on Mac OS. "Filebot version not found". I have Filebot installed and Deluge, and Filebot Tool works too. Any ideas?

Laharah commented 7 years ago

Sure, can you open up Terminal and tell me the output of these commands?

And can you also tell me a little about how your deluge is setup (eg. is it running on a server or locally)?

rednoah commented 7 years ago

On Mac OS X, the filebot tool should be linked at /usr/local/bin/filebot.

fexigo commented 7 years ago

Hi. I tried to start deluge with admin. Still having the same problem.

Also tried to reinstall deluge, filebot multiple times.

Laharah commented 7 years ago

@fexigo can you tell me a bit more about your setup? Is deluge in client-server mode or in "classic" mode (you can check by going to preferences -> interface)? What version of windows are you on?

fexigo commented 7 years ago

Hi. Im using classic mode and its a windows 7 pro computer.

The strange thing about this is when i right click the torrent and choose Filebot Tool i can see in task manager that two processes of Filebot *32 is started. And if i try to reboot my computer i got a system error that telling me that the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000000XX).

Laharah commented 7 years ago

Hmm, okay, it seems like something else is going on. I've posted a release with some extra debug logging here:

Can you run it with logging on (see instructions here) and send me the logs?

fexigo commented 7 years ago

Wow! That is strange. Now its working. hmmmmmmm

Laharah commented 7 years ago

That is really weird, I only added some logging. Well, if you run into problems, feel free to post back here! I'm going to keep this open incase @Inglend needs more help.

fexigo commented 7 years ago

I was a little bit fast. When i launch deluge-debug.exe everythings works. But if i lanuch deluge.exe i still got Filebot not found.

Laharah commented 7 years ago

are deluge-debug.exe and deluge.exe both in the same folder? Are you launching them both the same way from the command line?

ChonkaLoo commented 7 years ago

@Laharah It's a Mac Mini running locally I think. screenshot filebot  @tool

@rednoah ok I found the folder up until bin but no filebot in there. How do I link it?

rednoah commented 7 years ago

You can correctly install filebot by running this command:

sh -xu <<< "$(curl -fsSL"
ChonkaLoo commented 7 years ago

Yes now it works! thank you!

fexigo commented 7 years ago

Sorry, i have been away for some time. If i start deluge with just using the icon its not working. If i start deluge debug from cmd line it working. I have also tried to start deluge from cmd line without any success

Laharah commented 7 years ago

okay this a weird one. Since you can't get debug logs, you'll have to download and install this special debug version I made:

It will log the filebot error to the filebot version string (where it normally says "Filebot not found" in the rename dialog). Could you copy what it says to me?

thebrianlenz commented 7 years ago

Following all the suggestions posted in this issue, I still run into the "File not Found" problem.

Using your debug release, it shows "[Error 5] Access is denied." What I've found is that upon restarting my computer, there are no issues. Everything launches and doesn't indicate any problems. However, if Deluge is closed and reopened, the problem returns.

Additionally, when Deluge is first opened, a Filebot.exe process is started (which I assume is normal). However, when Deluge is closed, the Filebot.exe process is not ended. I anticipate this could be part of the issue, though ending the process doesn't seem to help. If Deluge is reopened multiple times, multiple Filebot.exe processes stack up.

Laharah commented 7 years ago

The filebot launch when starting deluge is just a version check and making sure that filebot.exe can be accessed, it should close almost immediately. With the Access is denied error it seems like there is some kind of permissions problem somewhere. Also the fact that the filebot instances aren't closing is troubling.

Frankly, I don't really know what could be causing these problems. The fact that the debug version of deluge works and the normal one doesn't is mystifying enough. The fact that it only runs once after a reboot is also really weird. What happens if you reboot, run deluge, quit, kill the filebot task that's still running, and then relaunch deluge? Does it still give you access denied?

Can you double check the permissions? Check and reset the permissions for the entire Program Files\Deluge folder, the Program Files\FileBot folder and also do the same for the appdata folders for deluge and filebot (hit windows key + r and type in %Appdata% to get there). Make sure that the user you run deluge with has read/write/execute everywhere in the folders. The user permissions being messed up and a lock somewhere not being released is all I can really think of.