Laharah / deluge-FileBotTool

A plugin to integrate simple FileBot functionality into Deluge
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FileBot not found issue in Ubuntu 16.04 #34

Closed jkanczler closed 6 years ago

jkanczler commented 6 years ago

When deploying FileBot from Ubuntu's software center then FileBot is installed into to /snap/bin folder. Therefore the plugin is incorrectly trying to start it from /usr/bin folder.

Workaround: Create a symlink between /usr/bin/flexget and /snap/bin/flexget.

rednoah commented 6 years ago

Either way, filebot will be in the $PATH so FileBot should be called by calling filebot.

Laharah commented 6 years ago

were you getting a "filebot not found" warning when you tried to rename a torrent? It should have been where the filebot version information is up at the top. The program should have defaulted to using just filebot and relying on the path if it doesn't find it in the expected locations.

When the plugin starts it makes a filebot.exe -version call. Since filebot wasn't in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin it should have defaulted to just filebot -version and let the path variable find the executable. If it wasn't finding filebot at all and you were getting the filebot not found error, either the user deluge was running on didn't have /snap/bin/filebot in it's path, something was wrong with permissions, or the path cache was stale.

Either way I'll add /snap/bin/filebot (I'm assuming that's what you meant to say) to the locations where the plugin searches for a filebot executable.

jkanczler commented 6 years ago

Yeah. I meant that. I'm talking about Linux, Ubuntu version 16.04. I installed filebot from Ubuntu software: image

The executable is installed at: image

Laharah commented 6 years ago

I've added /snap/bin/filebot to the list of locations the plugin explicitly checks for filebot. Hopefully that will help people out who have stale path caches.

jkanczler commented 6 years ago

Just to verify that it works in 1.1.10:

  1. I deleted the symlink from the /usr/bin folder and the FileBot tool 1.1.9 started to complain about FileBot is not found.
  2. I've installed 1.10, FileBot tool could find FileBot at /snap/bin location. Thanks for the fix.