Calculate and include the following comprehensive statistical data in both the Grafana Dashboard and the webservice (WS). The statistics should be updated once per day from the database.
Foundation Type Distribution
foundation_type, count, percentage
Foundation Type Reliability Distribution
foundation_type_reliability, count, percentage
Construction Year Distribution
decades (bins of 10 years), count, percentage
Foundation Risk Distribution
risk category (A-E), count, percentage
Data Collected Percentage
number of buildings, percentage
Total Building Restored Count
Total Incident Count
bin (1 year), count
Report Count
report type, count
Total Report Count
bin (1 year), count
Restoration Cost
min, max, mean, pc95
Total Report Contractor
Total Report Organization
Total Owner
Data Collected
Count of foundation_type samples per area
Count of inquiries per area
Buildings Restored
Count of recovery samples per area
Restoration Cost
Minimum restoration cost per area
Maximum restoration cost per area
Distribution of drought risk
Distribution of drainage depth risk
Bacteriële aantasting
Distribution of bacterial damage risk
Vastgesteld risico
Distribution of established risk
Distribution of foundation types
Funderingstype per betrouwbaarheid
Distribution of foundation types by reliability
Herstelde funderingen
Number of restored foundations
Number of reports (inquiries)
Rapporten per type
Number of reports (inquiries) by type (inquiries_type)
Rapporten per opsteller
Number of reports (inquiries) by contractor
Rapporten per eigenaar
Number of reports (inquiries) by owner (organisation)
Number of buildings by construction year (bins of 10 years)
Number of buildings by ownership (owner)
Verdeling risico’s verschilzakking
Distribution of differential settlement risk
Verdeling risico’s vastgesteld risico
Distribution of established risk
Special Consideration
The above statistics must be filtered for the ownership (owner) of a specific user (especially for corporations).
Geographic Areas
These statistics need to be calculated for the following geographic areas:
PC4 (optional)
PC6 (optional)
Additionally, statistics should also be determined per ownership category (owner).
Data Aggregation and Calculation
Aggregate and calculate data for each required statistic once per day from the database.
Integration with Grafana and Webservice
Integrate the calculated statistics into Grafana for visualization.
Integrate the calculated statistics into the webservice (WS) for access.
Backend Development
Ensure the backend supports the calculation, storage, and retrieval of the required statistics.
Frontend Development
Design and implement the dashboard interface in using Grafana visualizations.
Testing and Validation
Test the accuracy and functionality of the calculated statistics.
Validate the integration and visualization in Grafana and the webservice.
Deploy the dashboard functionality and webservice updates to the production environment.
Expected Behavior
Admins and users should be able to view the specified statistics in the Grafana Dashboard and access them through the webservice, filtered by the ownership of the specific user. The statistics should be visualized accurately in Grafana and accessible through the webservice.
Additional Information
The statistics should be updated once per day.
Ensure that all the statistics are accessible through the webservice (WS).
Calculate and include the following comprehensive statistical data in both the Grafana Dashboard and the webservice (WS). The statistics should be updated once per day from the database.
Foundation Type Distribution
Foundation Type Reliability Distribution
Construction Year Distribution
Foundation Risk Distribution
Data Collected Percentage
Total Building Restored Count
Total Incident Count
Report Count
Total Report Count
Restoration Cost
Total Report Contractor
Total Report Organization
Total Owner
Data Collected
Buildings Restored
Restoration Cost
Bacteriële aantasting
Vastgesteld risico
Funderingstype per betrouwbaarheid
Herstelde funderingen
Rapporten per type
Rapporten per opsteller
Rapporten per eigenaar
Verdeling risico’s verschilzakking
Verdeling risico’s vastgesteld risico
Special Consideration
The above statistics must be filtered for the ownership (owner) of a specific user (especially for corporations).
Geographic Areas
These statistics need to be calculated for the following geographic areas:
Additionally, statistics should also be determined per ownership category (owner).
Data Aggregation and Calculation
Integration with Grafana and Webservice
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Testing and Validation
Expected Behavior
Admins and users should be able to view the specified statistics in the Grafana Dashboard and access them through the webservice, filtered by the ownership of the specific user. The statistics should be visualized accurately in Grafana and accessible through the webservice.
Additional Information