Lakr233 / Kimis

Kimis is a client for Misskey built with pure UIKit for quality.
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Zoom/Font size settings? #10

Closed pupbrained closed 8 months ago

pupbrained commented 1 year ago

As of the current version of Kimis, the UI is quite small on higher-resolution displays which makes text harder to read:


Would it be possible to add a font size option or something similar to mitigate this?

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

Kimis does support font size as an option, but it does not have a setting option on UI side. I can show you a way to do this in

Firstly, you need to get the bundle identifier of your package, it is if you download it from App Store or can be anything if not.

➜  ~ mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r /Applications/

Then, processing the following options:

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

The available range for Kimis font size is 8 ... 24 point.

    @UserDefault(key: "wiki.qaq.fontSize", defaultValue: 16)
    var defaultNoteFontSize: Int {
        didSet {
            if defaultNoteFontSize < 8 { defaultNoteFontSize = 8 }
            if defaultNoteFontSize > 24 { defaultNoteFontSize = 24 }
Lakr233 commented 1 year ago
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