Lakr233 / Kimis

Kimis is a client for Misskey built with pure UIKit for quality.
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Licensing issue #6

Closed ThatOneCalculator closed 1 year ago

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago

You claim that this is an MIT license, which allows free distribution, but then added a non-distribution clause. Is it MIT (allowing free redistribution) or is it not?

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago is in direct contradiction with

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

I did not claim this is a MIT License, I claim it is a MIT License - Kimis Edition. I have clarified this in, App Store submission is not allowed. Any other use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, etc... is allowed.

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago

Legally, you can't make an "edition" of a foss license, I don't think your license is enforceable. Furthermore, the clauses are still contradictory in their current state.

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

Fine, I will remove MIT License and write my own.

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago

You might want to consider something like the BSL, but still -- if you claim you just wanted to make this as a gift for friends, why not allow redistribution? Especially if you're telling me to maintain a fork?

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

furthermore, in License file: , subject to the following conditions: does not contradictory any other statements.

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

Redistribution is allowed, but I've had bad things in the past. Some one made a copy of my app, not Kimis, with 0 modification, put it on the app store and make money. I dont want to see things like this happen again.

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago

But what if substantial modifications were made to support Calckey? Would you allow a fork to be put on the App Store then?

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

I think I can make an exception for you, with some restrictions.

The above is subject to change and I reserve the right to modify and interpret.

CutestNekoAqua commented 1 year ago

why not Taiwan?

Wack0 commented 1 year ago

...isn't that third restriction technically unenforceable?

Lakr233 commented 1 year ago

The main reason doing so is that I live in China. This kind of stuff should be kept carefully. I dont want any trouble. As a trade off, so you can think I've got a dream, I do it in an open source way.

...isn't that third restriction technically unenforceable?

Sure, I removed license and copyright noticed requirements because when I publish the source, I understand nothing can be enforced.

why not Taiwan?

The regulator's jurisdiction over the App Store includes these areas.

ThatOneCalculator commented 1 year ago

That's understandable. I will put my fork on Codeberg, and once it is ready, I'll put it on the American/European/Japanese App Store :)