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Get Directions #51

Open click2tman opened 7 years ago

click2tman commented 7 years ago

It seems this is being difficult to do. Let push to next phase. For this initial release, please do the following;

When someone clicks on Map, Address or Get Directions, capture their current location as the start point and use the business location as end point. Redirect user to an InApp browser of Google maps by default with directions. Do not let them leave or go outside the app. The map with directions should be displayed within the app and the back button of app should be their to return the user back to the business details page. If staying within the app is difficult or going to take long, do it the other way.

For next phase, we will work on it per origin and fix these issues

  1. When I click on map or address, you should take me to the screen displaying the name, address, Get directions on the top right and below that a big map with a pin for the business.
  2. When I click on get directions from 1 or from main business details view, you should take me to view where I can see start Point, and End Point. The values for Start point should be auto populated from the users current address. You can display "Current Location" or a reverse geocode of the users current Location Longitude and latitude. The end Point should always be set to the business location the user is viewing. It should either display the Longitude and latitude. By default you should select Google map for getting directions. When the user click on Start Point, you should give then option to enter new address or click on second option called my Current location. When they click My current location, you should capture their current longitude and latitude again and set that as the start point. If they enter new address, reverse geocode that to its longitude and latitude and display it. When they return back to the first screen, you should show them the values entered or selected.
click2tman commented 7 years ago

Please work on this next. This is very important and I want to see it finished.

click2tman commented 7 years ago

It looks like this is working as desired. If its easy I will like the map to open in an InApp Browser especially if google maps is opened in the browser. otherwise, I am fine with this for this release.

developmenticon commented 7 years ago

Sure will do that

developmenticon commented 7 years ago

This is completed.