Lambda11 / let-me-fish

TERA-proxy module that mass-auto-fishes fishes, auto-crafts bait when out of bait, and auto-dismantles fish when inventory gets full
27 stars 22 forks source link

patch 92.3 patched ? #100

Open Hack-y opened 4 years ago

Hack-y commented 4 years ago


With the new patch, my client closes after the tenth fish, is this normal. They fix the fish ?

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

yep, something changed, you get disconnected after some time or couple fishes.

UnexpectedUser93 commented 4 years ago

Yes. There are some new things :) S_START_FISHING_CHARGE first in fishing pattern. and inb4 log-out S_SWITCH_INFO

Namenlos0x9 commented 4 years ago

i think so, yes

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

Of course it is possible to fix, but somebody with proper knowledge and tools has to do it

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

some ppl work but they ar not near of the npc

JohnMSI commented 4 years ago

yea, they have a private bot which makes ton of gold. they sell fish slso without having to be close to npc. its good to have sell fish on this bot btw.

metin1980 commented 4 years ago


unlimitedgtx commented 4 years ago

So theres no fix available?

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

i thknk no yet... the chineces have the solutions but no is share

Roburahaju commented 4 years ago

The proxy banned fishing, so we buy dc, but now there are 100 men who have fish on the mystel, and there are 4 accounts on each channel.

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

is time for? thinking about it

dandy1990 commented 4 years ago

So who can update auto fishing Please publish your DC I can buy it with money

Roburahaju commented 4 years ago

gg wp fish kskaksdk

XelZero commented 4 years ago

it will also kicks you by fishing by hand and not with a bot... i bet the fix that tera put into this patch is going to have to go away bc if you physically fish 10 fish youll be booted as well.. tested w and w/o toolbox running

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

I can say that I do not get disconnects if I fish manually, so I don't know how you gets these DCs, with current fish module version you get dc every 10 fish, I manually fished over 10 and didn't get DC.

Roburahaju commented 4 years ago

is it the proxy that brings protection or is it gf

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

a .exe? haha, no ty.

GeekCanada commented 4 years ago

a .exe? haha, no ty.

What is wrong with .exe ?

GeekCanada commented 4 years ago

I just wanna get a fix for N/A hopping it won't take too long and/or be too expensive

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

To all: Be careful with unknown origin compiled code, this may be a backdoor or any other kind of malicious code.

undefinedfpuser commented 4 years ago

"VERY hard to get atm" :D Fix is almost 1 line cycle function. That any can get with basic RE knowledge and few clicks in ida+hex rays. Pinkie probably gonna make it public when p93 hits

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

Buy? This is illegal, you can share this as open source, and note that you may get ban from using it, that's all you can do. All those people who decide to PAY for such things should re-consider what they doing with their money.

Hopefully someone will publish "fix" for this soon to prevent scam like this.

undefinedfpuser commented 4 years ago

"We DO offer the full source (single .js file), complete with documentation." Documentation, another ":D" 2020-04-14_19-15-13

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

Hey @undefinedfpuser, if you have solution, why don't you just release complete solution?

"We DO offer the full source (single .js file), complete with documentation." Documentation, another ":D" 2020-04-14_19-15-13

undefinedfpuser commented 4 years ago

Hey @undefinedfpuser, if you have solution, why don't you just release complete solution?

There too many fish bots, i want to keep it private (but pinkie can really release it for p93). Bhs can be triggered with current state to remove fishing(by simply forbid selling)

DaXmAn commented 4 years ago

Earning revenue based on cheating software is illegal as far I know, and you take serious risk being sued. For releasing cheating software for "for free" you can also be sued, but less likely. It's all about making money on top of somebody elses "work" (which is TERA game in this case)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Never do smth for free and don't pay any fees. Oh right I mistook it as a donation to kill the game even further.

FishingPro7686 commented 4 years ago

Alright I got all of your points.

I just kinda helped out developing this (was part of some bigger cheating communities back in the day and thought this would be business as usual here but w/e).

As there seems to be no interest here I'm going to take the page down for now. However, I will, as I did in the past help people that are trying to get this working on their own. No c&p but HELP.

Owyn commented 4 years ago

kill the game even further fish bots are killing the game!!!1

One of the things which helped people cope with Tera's grind & p2w bs was fish-botting (fish content is literally made for bots, it's its target audience)

I have no idea how legit fair-use players without any additional software can even enjoy the game at its current state (unless they don't care at all about end-game content), even with all the botting and advantages - it's still not worth it.

In conclusion - stop beating the dead horse called Tera online, just move on and try out playing new games.

Namenlos0x9 commented 4 years ago

kill the game even further fish bots are killing the game!!!1

One of the things which helped people cope with Tera's grind & p2w bs was fish-botting (fish content is literally made for bots, it's its target audience)

I have no idea how legit fair-use players without any additional software can even enjoy the game at its current state (unless they don't care at all about end-game content), even with all the botting and advantages - it's still not worth it.

In conclusion - stop beating the dead horse called Tera online, just move on and try out playing new games.

there are some ppl who wants 800USD for a working fishing script..

what do you expect from those scum ppl..

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

so nobody is gonna help us to fix this?

Roburahaju commented 4 years ago

fish fix thanks have fun

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

so we need wait for the next patch? pinkie we believe in u T.T

gordareu commented 4 years ago

i'm from NA server and i just saw two ppl fishing using the mod, tried to talk to them to get some info but they didnt answer.

undefinedfpuser commented 4 years ago

Because they bots :D on Mystel i found almost 700 bots, that didn't hide at all and fish with baf

Roburahaju commented 4 years ago


gordareu commented 4 years ago

there is a few ppl using the mod in NA and still there's no mod to download or even new op codes, dunno if it is soliardi or lambda.

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

i think that is a opcodes but anyknow about it?

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

soliardi is working? I got kicked after 10 fishes

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

i am fishing 1 hour almost and no get dc

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

just no working when the module have to clic in the botom for open the shop, if u clic manually the module sill selling by himsellft

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

eu or na?

metin1980 commented 4 years ago


92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

i'm going to try again then, luckly i got the modules already donwloaded since the repository is gone

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

u have discord?

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

if u know how fix that problem say something

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

i have installed all and i'm testing it rn, i'll keep you informed

metin1980 commented 4 years ago

is working for now...u ahve to clic in the button for open the shop, if u know how fix it i thkink is something about hte opcodes but.. i not sure, u know something about it?

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

for me it's working smooth, it's even selling/crafting baits! i'll make a reposotory with all the files for making it easy (i'm not planning to update it tho)

92lucio92 commented 4 years ago

oh nvm, it's not selling...i'll take a deeper look