Lambda11 / let-me-fish

TERA-proxy module that mass-auto-fishes fishes, auto-crafts bait when out of bait, and auto-dismantles fish when inventory gets full
27 stars 22 forks source link

Disconnecting #25

Closed iCoMuNisTa closed 4 years ago

iCoMuNisTa commented 5 years ago

Sem título everytime i leave my computer i get this error and disconnect

Owyn commented 5 years ago

econnreset means your internet connection was lost for a moment - you have bad internet 🤷‍♂️

iCoMuNisTa commented 5 years ago

yeah i have it, but it happens to my friend too, and it started 2 days ago, i was using it like ok

Lambda11 commented 5 years ago

It's not related to fishing bot, only to your\servers internet connection

iCoMuNisTa commented 5 years ago

I understand, I thought it might be something related to the server being disconnected by use of the bot, well if its only my connection than I feel safer now haha ty

Roxycodone commented 5 years ago

I do not have bad internet and am having the same issue. So are 3 of my friends who also do not have bad net. Issue started around the same time as icomunista

Owyn commented 5 years ago

Does it not happen if you don't fishbot and just afk (afk-fish) for the same amount of time?

Other people are running this for days without any problems

Roxycodone commented 5 years ago

No issues with getting kicked/crashing etc, EXCEPT when using this "fishbot". Seems to do just fine for about 90 minutes or so then it kicks back to server select screen. This wasn't happening before. It is recent. It is not an internet issue. The people I mentioned before with the same issue are from different states with different ISPs all with perfectly stable internet connections.

iCoMuNisTa commented 5 years ago

also im from another country, than... idk theres something happening, and I dont understand whats this

Owyn commented 5 years ago

Make sure your AFKer module is working

so crafting bait \ dismantling \ fishing all works fine then for 90 minutes? and then it just disconnects? hmmm

pretty sure if it was admin finding out about your botting you'd be getting banned and not just disconnected instead...

are you all from the same region? NA?

Owyn commented 5 years ago

Just tested myself, works fine here on RU

[Proxy][Let-me-Fish] Fished out: 96 fishes. Time elapsed: 01:48:21. Per fish: 68 sec
[Proxy][Let-me-Fish] Fishes: 
[Proxy][Let-me-Fish] Tier 9: 66
[Proxy][Let-me-Fish] Tier 10: 30

not sure what could be wrong on your side, maybe wrong opcode for item deletion fish-deleter is doing once you reach 9k fishes? try getting fish filet amount in inventory to 200 and see if it helps

Roxycodone commented 5 years ago

I will check when I get home but I am pretty sure I banked most of my filets. If all else fails, I will delete/uninstall everything and start fresh. I will let you know how it goes tonight. Thanks for the help!

Chiiruno commented 5 years ago

I have this problem as well, with afker and fish-deleter. Could be connection, but I get the ECONNRESET too.

Chiiruno commented 5 years ago

You may be disconnecting because you have the game minimized. Keep it in a non-minimized window or in constant full-screen, and you won't disconnect with the afker module.

JohnMSI commented 5 years ago

I play on Eu and have the completely same problem. im 99% sure its because of the module. i have two running pc's with tera caali proxy and this module and they dc alot while displaying that error. ive tested independetly to see if i get dc while not using fish bot and i didnt got any while the pc that was using fish bot got several.

Owyn commented 5 years ago

🤷‍♀️ works fine on RU for days without any DCs for me, I can only suggest you find what exactly causes the DC:

JohnMSI commented 5 years ago

🤷‍♀️ works fine on RU for days without any DCs for me, I can only suggest you find what exactly causes the DC:

  • how much time from fishing bot start to DC passes each time
  • after what actions exactly DC happens
  • does it happen with other fish bots or just this one?
  • does it happen if you actively fish manually without any fishbots for the same amount of time?

I managed to fix it by implementing the AFKer module. Its ok now :)