Lambda11 / let-me-fish

TERA-proxy module that mass-auto-fishes fishes, auto-crafts bait when out of bait, and auto-dismantles fish when inventory gets full
27 stars 22 forks source link

What am I doing wrong? #84

Closed ascit1234545 closed 4 years ago

ascit1234545 commented 4 years ago

I have put the defs insides to tera-data/protocol and ı have updated tera-data opcodes. I use teratoolbox proxy. I thought this was all ı needed to do to get this to work. I launched the teratoolbox and ingame ı tried !fish, fish, /8 fish, /8 !fish but none worked. Am I missing something or did I miss some steps? Thanks in advance.

Owyn commented 4 years ago

see console for errors and if the module was even installed and loaded in the first place

ascit1234545 commented 4 years ago

I think not, there isn't any mods related to fishing being displayed in the ''my mods'' folder. And ı didnt get any errors that has anything about fishing.So how am I loading the mod into tera toolbox again?

ascit1234545 commented 4 years ago

I thought putting the defs insides is enough?

Owyn commented 4 years ago

putting defs only puts the defs, how are you expecting the mod to work if you've never installed it?

ascit1234545 commented 4 years ago

Sorry but in the installation tab this is what was written and ı just followed the steps. Where do I download the mod from? Also I appreciate your dungeon guides, they helped me so much.

ascit1234545 commented 4 years ago

I am dumb. Thank you for bearing with me.