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Add FAQ: "How do I use the Tensorbook recovery image?" #131

Open cbrownstein-lambda opened 1 year ago

cbrownstein-lambda commented 1 year ago
Download the Ubuntu 22.04 Razer Lambda Tensorbook ISO here.
      a. Download:
      b. Burn a USB thumb drive:

         Burn On windows:

      c. Boot the system from the USB Thumb drive
          - From the tensorbook - at the BIOS hit 'F1' or Delete to get into BIOS
          - Go to Boot manager
          - Select the USB Thumb drive - click on it or return
      d. Install default no 3rd party
      e. reboot
         (NOTE: First user created will have sudo)
      f. Do the update to make sure all is up to date:
           sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
      g. sudo reboot
      h. Create accounts.
      i. If you want to ssh to this machine you would install openssh-server:
          sudo apt install openssh-server
      j. copy data to this machine.

      k. Test the machine
Confirm all is working:
  a. nvidia-smi
  b. Test pytorch:
     python -c 'import torch ; print("Is available: ", torch.cuda.is_available()) ; print("Current Device: ", torch.cuda.current_device()) ; print("Pytorch CUDA Compiled version: ", torch._C._cuda_getCompiledVersion()) ; print("Pytorch version: ", torch.version) ; print("pytorch file: ", torch.__file__)'
  c. Test Tensorflow:
     python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print("\nTensorflow version: ",tf.__version__, "\nTensorflow file: ",tf.__file__)'
     python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print('Num GPUs Available: ', len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))"

Credit: @lambdacalvin