Lamden / wallet

Official Lamden wallet as a Google Chrome plugin. Also includes native atomic swap tools.
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Enhancement: Achievements/Trophies #188

Open tautraders opened 2 years ago

tautraders commented 2 years ago

Problem: New users joining the Lamden ecosystem aren’t familiar with the available functionality, tools, and dApps. There's a barrier-to-entry and while tutorials, videos, etc. are great, many people often learn best simply being hands-on.

Proposed Solution: The idea is an Achievements/Trophy feature for the wallet.

These would be NFTs triggered by certain actions within dApps, similar to trophies/achievements you might find when playing a video game. This would be a great way to incentivize and gamify interacting with and exploring the entire Lamden ecosystem.

These would be entirely optional, but as an example, a trophy could be available to encourage users to backup their wallet, to swap 10 different tokens in Rocketswap, or to play a game of UndergroundWarriors.

It would entice people to explore and would add further utility to the Lamden token (it would require a transaction each time they earn a trophy and choose to mint the NFT).

As a future enhancement, there could also be a marketplace where these earned NFTs could be sold.


Some of the VIP functionality for this feature might include:

Developer Tools

  1. Ability for dApp developers to define rules to award trophies while using their dApps
  2. Ability to assign a name/description, artwork, and maximum amount of supply for each

User Functionality

  1. Earn trophies/achievements based on actions
  2. Ability to view the trophies earned on the Wallet or a website
  3. Ability to mint the earned trophy NFTs using $TAU
  4. Ability to view unearned trophies (with a description/tip on how to earn it and supply amount)

Stretch Goals

  1. NFT marketplace where the NFTs could be bought/sold
tautraders commented 1 year ago

Now that Lamden has an NFT Marketplace (Taurus), I've refined the Achievements/Trophy idea a bit. With the updated design, any project could potentially award achievements (doesn't need fancy automated programming; can be awarded manually using existing tools). Hopefully lowers the barrier completely and makes this much easier to implement.

Design Doc:

"Achievements" is one milestone of several for what I would consider "infrastructure" projects.

These are features that are foundational to the Lamden ecosystem and would benefit the growth and community engagement for all Dapps. And make Lamden unique among all other platforms. Here's a summary of the bigger picture -

crosschainer commented 1 year ago

Fancy Programming Idea: We can make the mint nft function so anyone can mint their achievements themselfs but with predefined data like image name and description

Some achievements that can be realized with a mint yourself function very easy: Token Holder Achievements -> Get input token contract to check how much token in balance hash by current wallet and allow to mint LP Provider Achievements -> Get input token contract in mint function and access rocketswap contract lp points using ForeignHash Staking Achievements -> Get rocketswap token staking contract in mint function and get staked balances from contract

all of this doesnt need work from core team but showing achievements and executing in the main wallet would be important, just because they are achievements for using the network and a core thing.

crosschainer commented 1 year ago

150k (40k of that to GeeeBeee to fully think it through) TAU DAO Request and I make the above comment happen, including making it extendable for more achievement types to come