LanLou123 / Webgl-Erosion

Interactive Erosion simulation in Web Browser
MIT License
227 stars 31 forks source link

Keyboard and GUI Don't Work? #16

Open lorennorman opened 2 years ago

lorennorman commented 2 years ago

Hello! This project looks amazing!

I'm trying to get the demo to work in order to share it with some learners at school, but none of the controls seem to work as documented. I made a small screen recording, I'm clicking on the terrain, pressing c on the keyboard, clicking "ResetTerrain"...

Nothing seems to happen. And no errors in the console. What am I missing?

This is in Chrome 94 on macOS 11.6

Thank you!

lorennorman commented 2 years ago

Interesting, I just booted it up in Firefox and it works fine! Maybe a newer Chrome version broke something recently?

lorennorman commented 2 years ago

Actually I'm still unable to edit the terrain in Firefox. "Press keyboard c..." has no effects that I can see.

Thanks again for sharing your work!

LanLou123 commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for bringing this issue up to my attention , it might be because I haven't enabled the support for apple's graphics cards specifically yet. I was not able to test with apple harware/ MacOS before because I do not own a Macbook yet, could you try on another machine that's not apple as a temporary alternative and see if it works?