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✨ [Feature]: Change `px` to a "responsive" unit, such as `em`, `rem`, `dvh`, `dvw` or percentage #16

Open Kolozuz opened 7 months ago

Kolozuz commented 7 months ago

Recommended Use

Basic stuff, so...

JohnGolgota commented 7 months ago

In my opinion, "percent" should also be way below "dvh" and "dvw," mainly 'cause "percent" ain't showing up in the relative measures documented in CSS values and units, according to the official CSS documentation in the community's eyes.

My opinion es por defecto la verdad absoluta.

Kolozuz commented 7 months ago

In my opinion, "percent" should also be way below "dvh" and "dvw," mainly 'cause "percent" ain't showing up in the relative measures documented in CSS values and units, according to the official CSS documentation in the community's eyes.

My opinion es por defecto la verdad absoluta.

Well yeah, it's clear that vh and vw are arguably "better" units and they must be preferred over percentages, since they stay relative to each device's view-port dimensions, as for percentage, it's overall harder to maintain if it's used in the whole html, especially if lots of containers with different positions are being used.

That being said, I think percentages are a nice measurement to use inside containers that don't contain other containers, if that makes sense. And the fact that percentage isn't included in the Relative length units section of the MDN docs, is not a valid argument to discourage it's use, percentages are clearly a "relative" measurement, i mean, even themselves mention it here:

The thing is, and I believe we can all agree, percentage fits better in the numeric-values section, it isn't really a unit like the others, heck, it isn't even a 'unit' in the strict sense of the term.

So yeah, that. Btw I really appreciate you and your feedback. I hope you keep providing those valuable comments 💙, and in a nutshell I agree with ya bro, it's just that I find amusing writing long ass paragraphs.