When the Meathook is placed on a slab, loot drops eventually stop, and at the end of the process, the animal simply disappears without dropping additional loot.
Apparently its not just on slabs, this is a bug in general, some times it works some times it doesn't, so times it just works half the process through.
When the Meathook is placed on a slab, loot drops eventually stop, and at the end of the process, the animal simply disappears without dropping additional loot.
Minecraft version: 1.21.1 Neoforge version: 21.1.76 Butchercraft version: 2.6.2 / File name: butchercraft-2.6.2.jar
Video that shows the bug: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bdy2zw9tqnoxwlxe153lx/ButcherCraft-Bug.mp4?rlkey=bbuqi66lgobkxmfp5wksaefmo&st=7sevqj9d&dl=0