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Regarding CHEF-KOCH #89

Open claustromaniac opened 5 years ago

claustromaniac commented 5 years ago

I hope this makes your day:

Note that, since all of "his" content is now gone from GitHub, the link to #37 in is now dead:

the following information remains online because, to this date, CHEF-KOCH has not publicly acknowledged his act of plagiarism. our latest exchange can be found here.

I found a Google snapshot and backed it up at

EDIT: Saved the snapshot to

I very much doubt the guy will give up, though. He'll probably just keep plagiarising stuff somewhere else, or with a new account, so I suggest you to keep your brilliantly written readme as evidence, just in case.

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

hey, thanks for keeping me up to date, i appreciate it.

i'm very concerned about github deleting content from my projects without even notifying me. i'm referring to #37, of course. i'll contact GH about it and have them reinstate the content.

i much oppose censorship of any kind. covert censorship, as happened here, is much worse. censorship is what brought this project to GH and away from XDA. i hope i don't need to switch again, this time to gitlab.

thanks again!

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

fyi, i just contacted github over this. a copy of my message to them follows.

dear github,

you recently banned this user over repeated plagiarism:

good call on that one, he/she is a well known troll.

unfortunately, in the process you surreptitiously deleted content from my projects and you did not even notify me about it, which is a horrible thing to do.

some of this deleted content is linked from the git data in repos. for example, this content is linked and was deleted:

background info on this case can be found browsing from here:

i am hereby requesting:

1) that in this case you reinstate all deleted content from my projects.

2) that in general you NEVER AGAIN surreptitiously delete content from any github project without notifying the project owners.

please escalate this to the right levels. also please keep in mind that your reaction to this ticket will be made public. if you think that surreptitiously deleting project content from github is acceptable, i think your users have a right to know.

thank you very much for your help.

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

of course he lied. everything he ever said everywhere was a lie, so why expect otherwise?

child porn, lol... github better talk to his "lawyers", lol...

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

Project reported

hey @CHEF-KOCH, glad to see you're back!

i got more reports about you here: it's all very amusing, maybe you should report that project too.

come to think about it, just go ahead report project :-p