LandRover / StaffjoyV2

Staffjoy V2 - all microservices in a monorepo
MIT License
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Rename Sirupsen_logrus.BUILD to sirupsen_logrus.BUILD #8

Closed knightRider0xD closed 4 years ago

knightRider0xD commented 4 years ago

build: rename build file Sirupsen_logrus.BUILD to sirupsen_logrus.BUILD.

fixed case-sensitive filename causing build error.

LandRover commented 4 years ago

Nice catch, although mine passed all the time it's indeed should be case sensitive, lower.


knightRider0xD commented 4 years ago

No worries. I see this has become quite active recently. Are there any other developers working on this, discussion channels etc?

LandRover commented 4 years ago

Not yet, it's currently only me.

I'm working on a backlog that I'll publish here as issues and start working on them. Some product related and some pure tech refactoring.