LandSandBoat / server

:sailboat: LandSandBoat - a server emulator for Final Fantasy XI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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🐛 PUP Caster Automaton "Stand Back" Behavior #5174

Open UmeboshiXI opened 9 months ago

UmeboshiXI commented 9 months ago

I affirm:

OS / platform the server is running (if known)

Branch affected by issue


Steps to reproduce

This was recently reported by one of my players on our server. I was able to reproduce it on my local server.

Currently, if you have a automaton with a mage head, it will stand back and cast until it runs low on MP. When it does not have enough MP/Is Low MP, it will close in to melee range and use auto attacks. However even if it recovers MP by some means, it stays stuck in "Melee Attack Mode" until you resummon the automaton or zone.

  1. Setup your automaton to use mage head (I used Spiritreaver).
  2. Attack a mob to gain hate, deploy automaton on mob then pull mob away so automaton only casts.
  3. Set automaton MP to 0, observe that it runs in to attack now.
  4. Set automaton MP to full, observe mob can now cast again.
  5. Pull mob away from automaton, observe automaton no longer goes back into standback mode even though it has MP to cast.
  6. Zone or resummon your automaton. See that its AI behavior has reset.

Expected behavior

Automaton should return to expected behavior once its MP conditions are met(If high MP, stand back. If low MP, engage).

zach2good commented 9 months ago

This is on base LSB right? I know historically you've had quite an old DSP/Topaz-based server.

UmeboshiXI commented 9 months ago

We converted to LSB a while back but I was also able to reproduce this on my stock LSB install as well.