LandSandBoat / server

:sailboat: LandSandBoat - a server emulator for Final Fantasy XI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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🔨 infodump for additional effect / spikes work #6104

Open TeoTwawki opened 2 months ago

TeoTwawki commented 2 months ago

I affirm:

Describe the feature

Technically this isn't a feature request, since the work already started forever ago and I simply never made tracking for it or finished it.

When the code was globalized, I did not attempt to fix any of the many thing that looked wrong in the old per-item scripts, I merely globalized it. well a LOT is now for sure wrong. I've attempted to make some minor fixes to it since then, and made other parts more flexible so that other can adjust them. I did a ton of research on melee weapons back in DSP's day but a ton more is still needed. This needed globalized to support latent affects triggered via augments without having to change augments to having their own per-augment script.

A big Thank you to @WinterSolstice8 and @Frankie-hz for info that was shared to me. Unfortunately I don't have much time to work on much of anything these days, so I am passing along what I can here.

I was going to make check-boxes instead of bullet points, but then realized I had a lot to share that was not easily made into an actionable item. So now its an infodump instead of tracking.

The next 5 are coming mostly from my brain and what I could control+f in discord chats and wasn't written down elsewhere, your mileage may vary, as always check retail:

Whew, I really hope I didn't forget anything important.

TeoTwawki commented 2 months ago

6146 kills that if/else mess in the manner I intended