LandSciTech / ccviR

Implement NatureServe climate change vulnerability index in R
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Update demo climate data #129

Closed adricaswell closed 7 months ago

adricaswell commented 7 months ago

output$texp_tbl and output$cmd_tbl in ccvi_app.R refer to clim_readme()$brks_cmd, however, the brks_cmd column does not exist in the climate_data_readme.csv in the demo data set. In the dataset recently retrieved from ccviR_Data_Packages, this column exists. Leading me to believe that the demo climate data (or at least the climate_data_readme.csv) needs to be updated based on changes to code.

This discrepancy results in the an error in the Exposure Results tab (see screenshot)- "Error: string must be a single string, not NULL."

Update demo dataset to prevent this error.


(temperature exposure has the same issue)

see24 commented 7 months ago

I think I just fixed this! Try installing again from github. If it is resolved you can close the issue