LandSciTech / ccviR

Implement NatureServe climate change vulnerability index in R
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Test vulnerability score plot for multiple scenarios #157

Open adricaswell opened 3 months ago

adricaswell commented 3 months ago

Noticed this issue while working in app with multiple scenarios. Not sure if it is a one off or if it an actual issue. More testing needed.   image

adricaswell commented 2 months ago

Also note that the D question bars seem to squish on occasion. Not a major issue but it is not unique to multiple scenarios. The below screenshot occurred when running the app with one scenario. This does not always occur, but I have not determined the pattern wherein which this does occur. I thought it might occur whenever there is no D score, but I have observed it appearing as expected when there are no D scores, so this is not the case.

see24 commented 2 months ago

It might depend on how which vuln Qs are included because some are only shown if applicable to the species or if another is left blank