LandSciTech / ccviR

Implement NatureServe climate change vulnerability index in R
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Feedback from Ilona #181

Open see24 opened 2 weeks ago

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

Feedback from Ilona sent in an email Oct 1, 2024

C2aii: Physiological thermal nichec (PTN) • This can be assessed using a mapped layer, or not. Correct? • What does an individual do if they do not have mapped input? Do they wait until 'Spatial vulnerability question' section and input it there? • TO DO: update instructions on app to include PTN abbreviation (file name is PTN_poly) • TO DO: I don't think it is explained very well, what type of input could be used for PTN. The NS section in Appendix 3 does not seem to apply to PTN but rather only address C2ai (Past exposure to temperature)

ccviR Q Spatial data analysis Will a projected range change raster be provided • TO DO: explain is what this question is referring to, which section, what the input entails.

ccviR Exposure section • Temperature exposure legend: change name of legend to 'Temperature exposure class' • ? Does it makes sense that negative values are warmer? I know it doesn’t really matter, but it isnt exactly intuitive

ccviR Section B: Indirect exposure • To do in instructions/help pop-up: remove Temperature, as this section only refers to hydrological niche (temperature is in the spatial vulnerability section): Physiological hydrological niche Predicted Sensitivity to Temperature and Moisture Changes b) Predicted sensitivity to changes in precipitation, hydrology, or moisture regime. ii) Physiological hydrological niche

TO DO General, or other Questions • For all questions in the app, add NS number (EX c2a1 for PTN) • ? Maybe the 'Spatial data analysis' section should be renamed 'Spatial data analysis: exposure' • What about having a pop-note that cues an assessor to blank /no responses, in the process of moving to a next section. This could pop up after clicking on 'next'. And could include a tabulation of # of traits assessed, and minimum number of traits needed to be assessed for a given section so that the ccvi could be calculatd. Would serve as a check to make sure that they did not unknowingly leave a response blank. • To add (Steffi): did we build this in to her contract? After each question, a section to add any references to supporting evidence. Might be useful to have this at each question, be optional, and have a place at the end where any references or notes could be added. • ? For past exposure to temperature, what is the guidance around what temperature layers and temporal scale to use? For example, seasonal vs annual temperature? Can one input seasonal temperature, or is only annual? • Add prompts/reminders at the beginning that can select >category of vulnerability • Add prompts/reminders at the beginning/section start of the minimum number of traits/section

I will respond to each point below and create individual issues for larger changes to make.

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

C2aii: Physiological thermal nichec (PTN) • This can be assessed using a mapped layer, or not. Correct? • What does an individual do if they do not have mapped input? Do they wait until 'Spatial vulnerability question' section and input it there? • TO DO: update instructions on app to include PTN abbreviation (file name is PTN_poly) • TO DO: I don't think it is explained very well, what type of input could be used for PTN. The NS section in Appendix 3 does not seem to apply to PTN but rather only address C2ai (Past exposure to temperature)

Yes PTN spatial input is optional, required datasets are marked with a star on the welcome page and the spatial data analysis. It is also indicated when you come to the question in Spatial vulnerability questions where it says "Spatial data not provided. Answer the questions below based on expert knowledge or leave blank for unknown."

The PTN abbreviation is defined on the welcome page and in the tutorial where it says "select ... the physiological thermal niche polygon (“ptn_poly.shp”)". The PTN polygon will only necessarily have PTN in its name in the demo, in real use cases it will likely have a name related to the source data eg cool slope areas, snow covered mountain tops. So I don't think it should be defined in relation to the filename.

There is a fairly detailed description of what the spatial data should entail in app details tutorial. Making a new issue (#182) to add tooltips to the spatial data analysis page. Maybe the text from this tutorial could go there as well.

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

ccviR Q Spatial data analysis Will a projected range change raster be provided • TO DO: explain is what this question is referring to, which section, what the input entails.

This is explained in the two tutorials. But when tooltips are added to the spatial data inputs (#182) this will be improved.

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

ccviR Exposure section • Temperature exposure legend: change name of legend to 'Temperature exposure class' • ? Does it makes sense that negative values are warmer? I know it doesn’t really matter, but it isnt exactly intuitive

First is done and I have made a new issue (#183) for the second point. I agree it is not intuitive but it will require carefully updating things to make sure the results stay the same.

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

ccviR Section B: Indirect exposure • To do in instructions/help pop-up: remove Temperature, as this section only refers to hydrological niche (temperature is in the spatial vulnerability section): Physiological hydrological niche Predicted Sensitivity to Temperature and Moisture Changes b) Predicted sensitivity to changes in precipitation, hydrology, or moisture regime. ii) Physiological hydrological niche

Temperature is there because question 2 is about both temperature and moisture, b is about just moisture and ii is just PHN. There is some of the text that applies to both temperature and moisture so that is why it is set up this way. This makes it align with the the NatureServe Guidelines so I won't change it

see24 commented 2 weeks ago

TO DO General, or other Questions • For all questions in the app, add NS number (EX c2a1 for PTN) Done • ? Maybe the 'Spatial data analysis' section should be renamed 'Spatial data analysis: exposure' @ilonaECCC Why? Not all the spatial components are exposure related. For example historical thermal niche is a sensitivity component.

After each question, a section to add any references to supporting evidence. Might be useful to have this at each question, be optional, and have a place at the end where any references or notes could be added.

There is already a section for notes/comments under each question. @ilonaECCC Were you thinking of something different here? We could add additional notes for the assessment as a whole at the beginning. There is also already a task (#155) for Steffi to add a type of evidence input for each question. This would be assigning some sort of category to the evidence used eg grey lit, peer-reviewed, expert opinion, etc.

• ? For past exposure to temperature, what is the guidance around what temperature layers and temporal scale to use? For example, seasonal vs annual temperature? Can one input seasonal temperature, or is only annual?

Currently it is annual and it is part of the climate data package produced with the data prep app. Currently we use the historical normal data that is provided by AdaptWest for 61-90

• Add prompts/reminders at the beginning that can select >category of vulnerability

@ilonaECCC Not totally sure where you are thinking of this going? Right now there is a note after each question where the answer is prefilled based on the spatial analysis that says "Editing the response below will override the results of the spatial analysis." And it says at the start of the spatial section: "The pre-selected response can be changed if needed."

• What about having a pop-note that cues an assessor to blank /no responses, in the process of moving to a next section. This could pop up after clicking on 'next'. And could include a tabulation of # of traits assessed, and minimum number of traits needed to be assessed for a given section so that the ccvi could be calculatd. Would serve as a check to make sure that they did not unknowingly leave a response blank.

• Add prompts/reminders at the beginning/section start of the minimum number of traits/section

Both of these seem like a good idea but the way the app is split between non- spatial and spatial makes this a little harder to do. This is making me wonder if it would be better to re-arrange the app so that maybe the sections are on separate tabs and the spatial and non-spatial questions are mingled together. Then there could be a counter at the bottom that would show number answered vs number left unchecked. @ilonaECCC Do you think that is a good idea? If so I will mark it as a separate issue.