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Sloth Missing Race Description #164

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Description: The sloth is a curious creature native to the dense rainforests of Myzan. It possesses an unusual combination of traits, both serene and menacing, making it stand out amongst the diverse fauna of the region. Despite its slow movements and gentle demeanor, the sloth has proven itself to be a valuable asset to various tribes due to its unique abilities. Its thick fur provides excellent camouflage against predators while its slow metabolism allows it to survive off minimal resources. Additionally, the sloth secretes a sticky substance from its skin which acts as a natural adhesive, enabling it to climb vertically along tree trunks without difficulty. As a result, these creatures make ideal sentinels and scouts for communities nestled deep within the forest. Appearance: The sloth's fur ranges in color from green to brown, perfectly matching the colors of the rainforest canopy. Its eyes are typically yellow or orange, providing sharp vision despite the dim light filtering through the treetops. Its limbs are long and muscular, adapted for arboreal locomotion, ending in sharp claws capable of grappling onto branches. The sloth's most distinct feature is its elongated snout, housing a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth designed for self-defense. Its tail is equally impressive, sporting a set of retractable barbed quills that can deliver a painful sting if threatened. Overall, the sloth presents an intimidating yet peaceful presence, exuding an air of tranquility amidst the chaos of the forest ecosystem. History: Long before humans settled in Myzan, the sloths inhabited the vast expanse of rainforests, evolving alongside other species. Their slow pace allowed them to avoid conflict with larger predators, and their camouflaging capabilities ensured their survival. When human settlements emerged, the sloths initially viewed them with suspicion, but quickly realized the benefits of living near these new inhabitants. Tribes utilized the sloths as lookouts, relying on their stealth and keen senses to warn of approaching danger. In return, the sloths received protection and access to abundant food sources provided by the villages. Over time, the relationship between sloths and humans grew stronger, leading to mutual respect and even domestication in some cases. Today, sloths remain essential members of many tribal societies, serving as trusted guards and companions in the ever-changing landscape of Myzan.