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Spectral Dragon Missing Race Description #167

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Description: A rare and haunting subspecies of the mighty dragon, spectral dragons possess an unearthly aura that distinguishes them from their fire-breathing counterparts. Their translucent bodies appear to be composed of swirling energy, giving rise to the belief that they are manifestations of pure magic or departed souls. Despite their ethereal state, they maintain the same physical prowess and intelligence as traditional dragons, making them formidable opponents for even the bravest of heroes. Their eyes glow with an eerie luminescence, casting an unsettling light on whatever they gaze upon. Appearance: Spectral dragons exhibit the classic draconian characteristics, such as massive wings, razor-sharp teeth, and armored plating. However, their translucency grants them a sense of fragility that belies their immense strength. The iridescent quality of their scales creates a mesmerizing effect, causing observers to question whether they are truly flesh and blood or mere phantoms. Their movements are graceful yet menacing, reflecting the duality of their existence – part spirit, part predator. It is said that encountering a spectral dragon can bring both fear and fascination to those fortunate enough (or unfortunate enough) to witness their otherworldly majesty. History: The origins of spectral dragons remain shrouded in mystery, with various legends attempting to explain their existence. Some believe they are the lingering essences of slain dragons, unable to move on due to unfinished business or strong emotional ties to the material plane. Others suggest they are manifestations of raw arcane power, summoned by powerful sorcerers seeking control over the mythical beasts. Regardless of their provenance, these spectres command respect and awe wherever they appear. They are believed to dwell in remote locations, far removed from civilization, choosing isolation over interaction with lesser creatures. Encounters with spectral dragons are exceedingly rare, leaving many to wonder what secrets these ethereal beings hold and whether there might be a way to harness their power without incurring their wrath. Those bold enough to confront a spectral dragon must navigate treacherous terrain and overcome insurmountable odds in pursuit of knowledge or glory. Few return from such quests, forever changed by their encounters with these enigmatic denizens of the netherworld.