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Spectral Sloth Missing Race Description #169

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Description: A rare and ethereal subspecies of the ordinary sloth, spectral sloths possess an eerie translucence that sets them apart from their more common counterparts. Their fur seems to shimmer in the moonlight, giving them an otherworldly appearance. Like regular sloths, they maintain a calm demeanor, but there's something about their gaze that suggests an intelligence far beyond what is typical for such creatures. They are highly sought after by sorcerers and mystics alike due to their unique properties. Appearance: In contrast to the vibrant colors of normal sloths, spectral sloths appear almost ghostlike, with pale fur that reflects the ambient light. Their eyes glow softly, adding to their mysterious aura. Unlike regular sloths, spectral sloths do not possess sharp teeth or barbed quills; instead, their long tongues serve as a defensive mechanism when threatened. Their tails end in a cluster of crystal-like protrusions that emit a faint blue glow under certain conditions. These luminescent features allow them to blend seamlessly into the night sky during full moons or starlit evenings. Due to their spectral nature, spectral sloths are often associated with supernatural powers and are believed to be messengers between worlds. History: Spectral sloths are relatively unknown compared to their more common cousins. Legends tell of ancient sorcerers who discovered a way to infuse the essence of spirits into the bodies of ordinary sloths, creating these ethereal hybrids. The process was said to require immense magical knowledge and sacrifice, explaining why they are so rarely encountered today. Those fortunate enough to encounter a spectral sloth report feeling a sense of unease mixed with fascination – a testament to their otherworldly charm. Although their exact origins remain shrouded in mystery, it is believed that they hold great potential for those skilled enough to harness their spiritual energy. Many seek to capture and study these elusive creatures, hoping to uncover the secrets behind their creation and tap into their arcane potential.